We offer a personalized, effective and sustained attention for the treatment of obesity and its associated diseases.


Bariatric surgery is currently the most effective treatment against obesity and associated diseases due to the anatomical and hormonal changes in patients after various procedures.

Gastric Sleeve (Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy)

  • The Gastric Sleeve is currently the most popular bariatric surgery worldwide, representing up to 53% of the procedures performed. This is due to its great long-term results compared to other surgical procedures.
  • It consists of removing approximately 80% of the stomach, thus reducing its storage capacity as well as the production of a hormone called ” Ghrelin ” which is the cause of the feeling of hunger.
  • Its result in loss of excess body weight is approximately 75% during the first year. If it is accompanied by a healthy lifestyle, weight loss is permanent.
    Features of the procedure:

    • Duration: 90 minutes
    • Laparoscopic
    • Hospital stay: One night
    • Pre-surgical preparation: requires a minimum of 2 weeks (pre-operative diet and surgical risk assessment).


    Gastric balloon

    • “The balloon” is a temporary device which is placed inside the stomach, constantly occupying a space, by doing this, the patient feels satiety with less food.
    • It is done without surgery. Endoscopy equipment is used to take the balloon through your mouth until it reaches the stomach, where it will finally be located.
    • Depending on the type of balloon used, it can remain in function for a period of 6 to 12 months, after this period it is removed again by endoscopy.
    I work with the best brands on the market Spatz ( volume adjustable and last longer) and Orbera .

    Gastric bypass

    • It is considered the best procedure for weight loss and control of metabolic diseases, mainly type II diabetes.

    • If we are looking for a metabolic type result to control diabetes, hypertension, fatty liver, cholesterol and triglyceride changes, this is the ideal procedure.

    • It consists of the creation of a small gastric reservoir (through laparoscopy) and the exclusion of the passage of food through the proximal part of the intestine, making you feel satisfied with less food and the absorption of nutrients from the small intestine is less as well.

    • With this procedure, a loss of excess weight up to 80% of is achieved in the first year, which is maintained continuously for a longer period of time compared to other procedures. When this surgery is accompanied by a healthy lifestyle, the effects are progressive. and permanent.


    Av. Campillo #86 Edificio Irazola, Piso 1-02 Consultorio 6, Nogales.

    Consultation hours: 

    Monday to Friday from 9:00 am – 18:00 hrs.

    Saturday of 09:00 a 14:00 hrs.


    We accept various types of payment

    Form for patients (AGENDA / APPOINTMENTS)

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